3/10 because its just boring to watch. Adding some music might keep my attention to it. Maybe using something other then the digimon gameboy sprites also a background would help alot. You gotta catch our eyes to get us to watch.
3/10 because its just boring to watch. Adding some music might keep my attention to it. Maybe using something other then the digimon gameboy sprites also a background would help alot. You gotta catch our eyes to get us to watch.
``como quieras´´
More noobs killing peoples rep on newgrounds. What a wonderful day its been. I seriously hope you all will stop and finnaly get a life and go earn the x-box 360 achievement called "GO OUTSIDE"
Awhaha, rep? What rep? Also I don't have an xbox, could you lend me yours Mr. Pointcollector?
I just got Jazzroll'd.
This man speaks the truth.
That was funny. I'd like to see more of this
Well, there's more in the series. Not Sonic related, but more about the brothers. Check the website for more. Thanks for watching and commenting!
Age 36, Male
Washington Us
Joined on 1/2/08